Archiving and preservation for research environments

Environmentally sustainable digital preservation - moving from theory to practice

Open Map

On 11 November 2021 at 09:00 - 11:30 UTC | 10:00 - 12:30 CET, a two-hour webinar on "Environmentally sustainable digital preservation" took place online (timed to coincide with COP26 in Glasgow), organised by the Digital Preservation Coalition.

The project coordinator of ARCHIVER, João Fernandes, from CERN participated in the discussion with a contribution on  Archiving and Preservation for Research: Environmental Considerations

The webinar consisted of a set of short case studies from a range of organizations that are taking steps to respond to this urgent global challenge, including a reflection on how the DPC itself is engaging with the issue of environmental sustainability.
The aim of the webinar was explore how a range of digital preservation practitioners are addressing the issue, in particular how considerations around environmental sustainability are being incorporated into decision making and ‘business as usual' activities.


09:00ì: Welcome
09:05: Michaela Hart, Victoria State Government Department of Health - Hope in the Anthropocene - Connecting to archival long game
09:20: João Fernandes, CERN - Archiving and Preservation for Research: Environmental Considerations
09:35: Karyn Williamson, abrdn - ‘The archive and abrdn – Towards sustainable digital preservation’
09:50: Catherine Jones, Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - Investigating the impact of policy on energy consumption in the Energy Data Centre
10:05: short comfort break
10:10: Elisabeth Thurlow, University of the Arts London (UAL) - Challenging collecting: Inspiring a broader review of UAL collections management practices
10:25: Veli-Antti Leinonen, CSC – IT Сentre for Science - Running a zero emissions data centre
10:40: William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition - Reflections and discussion
10:55: Wrap up and thanks
11:00: Close and move to virtual lounge for informal discussion (registered participants only

For more details on the webinar, visit the page