Sara Pittonet (Trust-IT Services), Silvana Muscella (Trust-IT Services), Roberta Cintura (Trust-IT Services)
Reviewers: Marion Devouassoux (CERN), João Fernandes (CERN), Bob Jones (CERN)
Executive Summary The overarching objective of WP5 “Communication, Dissemination and Outreach” is to ensure a coordinated communication, strategy and plan are delivered for the ARCHIVER project and its Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) scheme, providing adequate visibility to all stakeholders.
As stated in the Grant Agreement Article 38.1, “ The beneficiaries must promote the action and its results, by providing targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public) in a strategic and effective manner”. In line with this, this strategic plan covers all the activities related to communication and outreach across the multiple target groups. This plan also defines performance measures that can subsequently be used to monitor the effectiveness of it. Both, communication activities as well as dissemination activities contribute fundamentally to the project’s visibility, outreach, and impact.
As a PCP, the implementation of the overall procurement process follows a precise scheme articulated around different phases. All these phases have different objectives and outcomes, and therefore different communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement purposes. This plan outlines the main objectives and outcomes of the PCP phases and the specific communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement activities that will be set to ensure the successful achievement of the project objectives.