Archiving and preservation for research environments

Eberhard Mikusch

Eberhard Mikusch
Professional title: 
Head of EOC’s Information Technology Department
Organisation name: 

Short bio

Eberhard was the lead architect of DLR’s data and information management system DIMS, a multi-mission approach for cataloguing, archiving, processing and dissemination of earth observation data. Since 2003 he is head of the department Information Technology of DLR’s German Remote Sensing Data Center with main responsibilities for development and operations of data management technologies for earth observation data, IT engineering/management as well as quality management and project support. In this context he is responsible for the data management of payload data ground segments of national missions like TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X, EnMAP and for the high performance data analytics platform terra_byte. As a member of the steering committee of the institutional research data management at DLR he has an overview of the related activities. On European level he has been actively involved in the development of the multi-mission facility infrastructure for ESA, the Sentinel 5 precursor payload data ground segment as well as in the review of the Copernicus ground segment transformation. For many years he has been contributing to the Long Term Data Preservation working group of the ground segment coordination body led by ESA. Since 2004 he has been also supporting the PV Conference “Ensuring Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical and Data” as a member of the program committee.